DEEP SPACE: "Distant Voices" - 01/11/95 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Hold on... Does anyone else hear that? KIRA What? ODO (suspicious) I don't hear anything. Bashir listens intently. BASHIR (half to himself) Garak didn't either. DAX Julian, what are you talking about? BASHIR I know it sounds strange, but I keep hearing voices. O'BRIEN (to the others) And he says we're acting peculiar. ODO So what are these so-called voices saying? BASHIR That's the problem. I can't make out the words. KIRA I think you're the one who needs help, Doctor. Not us. DAX Maybe you should lie down. BASHIR I'm fine. O'BRIEN Except that you're hearing voices and you seem to have aged twenty- five years in the last few hours. Bashir ignores him. He knows there has to be a reason for everything that's happening and tries to figure it out.