DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 55 CONTINUED: (2) As he points to the screen, the motion of his hands takes us through the TIMESHIFT to: CUT TO: 56 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien suddenly finds himself in the back of the runabout tapping a console control. He reacts, disoriented... but before he can get his bearings, he realizes he's in a scene of pandemonium. A large group of PEOPLE are running into the runabout. O'Brien hears his own voice coming from the pilot's seat: FUTURE O'BRIEN'S VOICE Come on, come on! Hurry up! We don't have much time! 57 NEW ANGLE which shows Future O'Brien sitting in the pilot's seat, working furiously. An N.D. Starfleet Officer sits in the seat next to him. FUTURE O'BRIEN (to N.D.) Prepare to seal the hatch and release the docking clamps. The N.D. nods and works quickly. 58 RESUME PAST O'BRIEN who makes room for the people pouring in. The door closes behind the last person aboard. 59 FUTURE O'BRIEN at the pilot console. O'BRIEN (working) Initiating emergency escape protocol. (to all) Hang on. I'm going to full impulse. He works a control, and everyone is JOLTED as the runabout pulls away from the station...