16:[1,#b],24:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - ACT FOUR 38. 52 CONTINUED: SISKO Now we know how they did it... the next question is who? ODO I think I have an answer to that, as well. He points to a piece of equipment in the panel. ODO (continuing) This device is manufactured on Davlos Three... a planet on the Klingon border. (beat) In fact, Davlos does over ninety percent of its trade with the Klingon Empire. Sisko takes this in. SISKO That's still pretty slim evidence to make an arrest... Odo begins warming to his subject -- he's the consummate detective here, laying out all the clues he's so painstakingly assembled. ODO Yes, it was. But then I contacted a friend of mine at Starfleet Intelligence who used to be assigned to the Federation Embassy on the Klingon Homeworld. He put me in contact with a former Klingon operative who is out of favor with the current administration. This former operative sent me a series of reports that -- SISKO (who's had enough of this) Odo... cut to the chase. ODO The three Klingons now on the station are part of a covert strike force that reports directly to the Klingon High Council. SISKO Why didn't you just say so?