DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - ACT ONE 13. 20 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko and O'Brien listening to DAX. DAX I went over the internal sensor logs and I did find evidence of a minor temporal disturbance in Quark's... and then another one later on the Promenade. Both disturbances happened at about the same time as the Chief's experiences. SISKO (to O'Brien) So it would seem that you did travel into the future... and then returned to the same moment you left. O'BRIEN (to Dax) Do you have any idea what caused this... timeshift? DAX Not yet. I want to go over the medical scans Julian took of you earlier. That dose of ionizing radiation you received may have something to do with it. O'BRIEN How? DAX I don't know... but it's a good place to start. (beat) I've heard of a couple of theories that ambient low level radiation could have a temporal -- And in this moment, as O'Brien sits back to listen to Dax, he TIMESHIFTS and we... CUT TO: 21 INT. QUARK'S We are now five hours in the future. O'Brien suddenly finds himself in the middle of a brawl. The Romulans are in a vicious fight with Bo'rak, and his two Klingon companions ATUL and MORKA.