84:[7,#b],131:[9,#b],180:[5,#b],192:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - TEASER 6. 7 RESUME QUARK AND O'BRIEN QUARK (outraged, to O'Brien) Now what if one of those darts had gone into his eye? Do you realize I'd be liable for that? Do you know how much money an eye costs? O'BRIEN You're not supposed to throw them like that, Quark. He takes another dart off the table. O'BRIEN You throw them one at a time... gently. Like this. He takes careful aim at the board... and as the dart leaves his hand, we suddenly... CUT TO: 8 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL O'Brien is standing on the second level in the exact same pose we just left him. He looks around, confused at this sudden change of setting. Although O'Brien doesn't realize it yet, he has just jumped five hours into the future. Before O'Brien can fully realize what's going on, he hears Quark's voice from off camera: QUARK'S VOICE Chief O'Brien? O'Brien turns and reacts in shock to what he sees -- 9 NEW ANGLE Across the Promenade, Quark has just stopped another O'Brien. Neither this Future O'Brien nor Quark has seen the other Past O'Brien standing across the Promenade yet. QUARK (to Future O'Brien) The Klingons have destroyed two of my holosuites. I need a maintenance crew immediately. Future O'Brien looks annoyed... this is a familiar story.