DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/15/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) And although there is still some opposition from hard-line elements on both Bajor and Cardassia... it looks as though they're finally willing to put their long conflict behind them. Bashir is here also. He takes a drink from a tray and sits in an out-of-the-way place. His expression is somber, clearly not joining in the fun. Dax notes his gloomy expression and she goes to sit next to him. DAX Remind me not to invite you to my next party. Bashir manages to smile a little. BASHIR Sorry. I guess I am sort of casting a pall over this gathering. DAX No one expects you to provide the entertainment, Julian. But you should try to enjoy yourself. After all, this celebration is for you, too. BASHIR Frankly, I'm not sure what I've done deserves a celebration. DAX Julian... you saved his life. You kept him alive against incredible odds. No matter what happens, you should always be proud of that. Bashir seems to take a little bit of solace in this, gives her a smile. Dax puts a hand on his shoulder. 41A NEW ANGLE As Quark approaches Winn with a Ferengi who is carrying a tray which has a large and bizarre-looking souffle on it.