DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/16/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 29 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (smiling) That's probably not a bad idea. (beat) I think you two should talk this over before it gets to be too big a problem. JAKE I'm not sure Nog's going to be willing to talk to me so soon. SISKO Well... I guess you'll just have to do something to get his attention. Off Jake's face as he thinks about this... CUT TO: 30 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS Bashir is sitting at a desk, looking at a monitor screen which has an Okudagram of medical information on it. A mug of coffee sits nearby. Bashir looks haggard, tired, on the verge of exhaustion. He rubs his eyes for a moment. BASHIR Physician, heal thyself... He pushes the monitor away, gets up and lies down on a couch, closes his eyes for a much needed sleep. But he no sooner closes his eyes when there's an urgent Com Voice. NURSE'S COM VOICE Doctor Bashir to the Infirmary. Medical Emergency. BASHIR On my way. Bashir bolts out of the room. CUT TO: