DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/11/94 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: BASHIR I'm sorry. The radiation severely damaged his neural pathways. I did everything I could. KIRA (quiet) I know you did. Did he ever regain consciousness? BASHIR No. I don't think he suffered. There are no tears in Kira's eyes. She takes the news stoically, like a soldier hearing about the death of a buddy. KIRA Thank you, Doctor. (beat) I'm on duty in Ops. Excuse me. She heads for the door, but Bashir stops her. BASHIR Kira. BASHIR (quietly) I think they can get along without you in Ops today. KIRA Maybe so. But I need to be there. I appreciate your concern... but I'll grieve in my own way... in my own time. Bashir looks at her for a beat, wants to reach out and help... but realizes this is how Kira wants to handle it. He finally nods. Kira turns and leaves. OFF Bashir's face as he watches her go... 10 OMITTED CUT TO: