DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/11/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: JAKE (surprised) Oh. Leanne glances away then back at Jake awkwardly. LEANNE So... are you doing anything tomorrow night? JAKE I'm supposed to be playing dom-jot with Nog. Leanne looks a little disappointed and Jake quickly changes his tune. JAKE But they're not really firm plans. In fact, I was thinking of canceling them. LEANNE Really? Well... if you do cancel... would you be interested in... dinner? JAKE (quickly) Sure. She smiles back at him and the sexual tension rises a notch. LEANNE Great. How 'bout eighteen hundred at the Klingon restaurant? JAKE I'll be there. But this time we'll skip the gagh. LEANNE Definitely. See you then. Leanne leaves. Jake looks after her for a moment with an obviously happy look on his face. But just as he's savoring the moment, suddenly O'BRIEN, ODO, and TWO N.D. SECURITY GUARDS come running down the Promenade. ODO Look out!