DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 40 CONTINUED: (2) FEMALE GUEST So who mugged you? Did you see them? Dax shakes her head. DAX It doesn't really matter. I'm just glad I wasn't hurt. CHRIS Whoever it was did a thorough job. They took everything she had, even her I.D. FEMALE GUEST Really? Everything. Dax nods. DAX Chris came to my rescue. He let me use his computer to get replacement I.D. MALE GUEST You're lucky the police didn't find you first. If they'd caught you on the street without I.D., you might've ended up in a Sanctuary District. FEMALE GUEST I thought they stopped doing that. MALE GUEST Why would they? It's the only way to keep those people off the streets. During the above exchange, Dax takes Chris's arm. DAX Excuse us for just a minute. The Guests nod politely and Dax leads Chris away. 41 ANGLE ON DAX AND CHRIS As they talk in private. DAX Is that true?