DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT THREE 33. 29 CONTINUED: CHRIS Okay, my assistant was able to get you a room at the Clift for the next five nights. DAX You didn't have to do that. CHRIS (smiles) I know. But I wanted to. (a beat) So what are your plans? DAX I still have to find my friends. CHRIS Well, I hope you don't mind, but I had Britt do some checking. No one matching their descriptions has been admitted into any of the City's hospitals or trauma wards. DAX That's good news. There's an awkward beat between them. CHRIS Look, I'd like to know how this all turns out. I'm having a little get- together tomorrow, here in the office. You're welcome to come if you want... you and your friends. DAX I'd like that. Dax starts getting ready to leave. CHRIS Well, good luck.