DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/20/94 - ACT ONE 15. 16 CONTINUED: SISKO A Sanctuary District. Bashir looks questioningly at Sisko. The term means nothing to him. BASHIR I'm afraid twenty-first century history isn't one of my strong suits. Too depressing. SISKO It's always been a hobby of mine. They made some ugly mistakes, but they also paved the way for a lot of the things we take for granted. BASHIR I assume this was one of the mistakes. SISKO A bad one. By the early twenty- twenties there was a place like this in every major city in the United States. BASHIR But why are these people in here? Are they criminals? SISKO No. People with criminal records weren't allowed in the Sanctuary Districts. BASHIR Then what did they do to deserve this? SISKO Nothing. They're just people. People without jobs or places to live. BASHIR (shocked) So they get put in here? SISKO Welcome to the twenty-first century.