DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. I" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 11. 13 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien and an N.D. crewmember are working on the transporter equipment. O'BRIEN Check the Heisenberg compensators. I'll run a level-one diagnostic of the pattern buffer, see if there's any kind of field imbalance. The N.D. nods and exits. O'Brien immediately begins running tests on the transporter controls. Kira ENTERS. KIRA Chief. O'BRIEN (still working) Any news from Starfleet? KIRA Nothing good. As far as they can tell, Commander Sisko and the others never materialized in San Francisco. According to their sensors, our transporter signal disintegrated immediately after we began the beam out sequence. O'BRIEN (still working) That doesn't agree with our records. The system log shows that the transport was completed successfully. They definitely materialized somewhere. KIRA That's good news, anyway. The question is... where? O'BRIEN I wish I knew. Whatever the answer is, it's not in the log. The only thing unusual it recorded was the variance in the annular confinement beam... KIRA But you corrected for that..