127:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/04/94 - ACT FIVE 51E. 46F CONTINUED: (2) GUL DUKAT This is Gul Dukat of the Second Order... I am authorized to tell you that if you will surrender your ship... none of you will be harmed. RIKER (skeptical) Is that right... SISKO Listen to him, Lieutenant... if you surrender, the Defiant and your crew will be handed over to a Federation starship at the Cardassian border. Riker takes this in for a beat. RIKER Why the sudden generosity? SISKO (re: Dukat) He wants the Defiant's sensor logs on the Orias system. And they're worth a lot more to him than Maquis prisoners. RIKER I don't buy it. The Cardassians aren't going to let us just walk away. SISKO You're right. Someone has to pay the price. RIKER Me... SISKO The deal is -- you're tried and convicted in a Cardassian court. And then sentenced to spend the rest of your life in the Lazon Two labor camp. RIKER No death sentence, huh? That must have taken some doing.