DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/07/94 - ACT FIVE 47. 39 CONTINUED: The Soldier works and the main viewer now shows the position of the Kraxon, which is stationary at the moment and flashing. A few other Cardassian warships are a short distance away, moving slowly back and forth as if looking for something. SISKO (sotto) If it is the Defiant, they're in position to make a run for the Orias system. GUL DUKAT We still don't know that Orias is the target. Until we do, I can't risk pulling ships away from other potential targets to chase a... neutrino signature. As they watch the main viewer... CUT TO: 40 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. The ship under cloak. Everyone is quiet, watching the main viewer, which shows a Cardassian warship moving slowly above them. KALITA They're coming around for another pass. Riker paces back and forth a few beats... considers the situation. RIKER (to Kalita) Are there any other ships nearby? KALITA (off console) There are nine Galor-class cruisers about six light years away bearing one eight seven mark zero three five.