154:[1,#b],190:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/07/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 37 CONTINUED: (2) Riker moves back to the Command chair. Kira peers at him for a moment. KIRA You're really not cut out for this are you? (off his look) Being a terrorist, I mean. You're not very good at it. RIKER (amused) Really? KIRA That's right. You're still acting like a Starfleet officer who's more worried about intelligence reports and Cardassian politics than about actually hurting the Cardassians. Kira stands up and moves around the Bridge. KIRA (continuing) You have one of the most powerful ships in this quadrant under your command. Why aren't you out destroying every Cardassian outpost along the border? RIKER Because the stakes here are far greater than border outposts. KIRA Not for the Maquis there're not. That's because the Maquis are a group of terrorists and all terrorists care about is destroying their enemy. I know... because I was a terrorist. (beat) And if I had this ship in those days, I would've destroyed Deep Space Nine... I would've hit the Cardassians so hard that they would have screamed for peace... but I wouldn't have gone flying off into the heart of Cardassia on some wild goose chase.