DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/06/94 - ACT THREE 33. 32 CONTINUED: (4) KORINAS (calm, on the move) Commander Sisko, you should be commended. I only wish we had someone with such keen tactical instincts who could've prevented this... invasion of our territory. She never looks at Dukat as she EXITS. OFF Dukat's stony reaction... CUT TO: 33 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. KALITA We're past the security perimeter... out of their sensor range. RIKER They were using anti-proton beams to scan for us... We'll have to adjust the cloak's resonance frequency so they can't detect us again. KALITA Right. She works. RIKER (to Tamal) Damage report. TAMAL We took six hits on the port shields... there's been some minor damage to the outer hull... but all systems are operational. RIKER Tough little ship. (to Kalita) Set course for the shipyard at Omekla Three. We'll let that be -- Suddenly the ship is ROCKED slightly and the lights go OUT. RIKER Report.