10:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - 09/29/94 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 5 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE SISKO and Riker are just shaking hands. SISKO Welcome aboard, Commander. RIKER Thank you. And call me Wil. Sisko gestures to a chair and they sit. SISKO What brings you to Deep Space Nine? RIKER Strictly pleasure. I've built up about three months worth of leave and Doctor Crusher finally insisted that I take some of it. In fact, she nearly shoved me out the airlock. SISKO D.S. Nine isn't exactly known as a vacation getaway. RIKER I'm actually just passing through on my way to Risa. The last time I was here, I only got to spend two hours at Quark's... but by the time I left, I had all his latinum and a date with one of his dabo girls. I thought I might try my luck again. SISKO (with humor) Be careful... Quark's dabo wheel has been a little stingy recently. And one of his Dabo girls is dating my son.