DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/05/94 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR (continuing) When was your last day off? KIRA I don't know. What does that have to do with-- BASHIR If you can't remember, it's been too long. (beat) You're off duty as of this moment. KIRA What do you mean, I'm off duty? You can't do that. BASHIR Oh, yes I can. And not even Commander Sisko can overrule my judgement as chief medical officer. Kira blinks at him a moment... tries to backtrack. KIRA Wait a minute, Julian... just because I snapped at you isn't enough to-- BASHIR My diagnosis is that you're overworked and suffering from extreme stress and borderline exhaustion. As for my prescription... come with me. He heads for the door... Kira hesitates, then EXITS with him. CUT TO: 4 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Kira is sitting at a table. QUARK is putting things on the table in front of her, as Bashir looks on.