228:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Abandoned" - REV. 08/31/94 - ACT TWO 26. 20 CONTINUED: ODO Stop! Stay where you are! The Teenager doesn't listen and keeps running... people scatter out of his way. Odo rushes out and puts himself directly into the boy's path... the boy LUNGES at him... but as the boy hits Odo, he MORPHS and the boy GOES THROUGH HIM and lands on the deck behind Odo. Odo returns to normal and the Teenager gets to his knees in front of Odo in a posture of fealty just as the rest of the Guards come rushing up with phasers drawn. Odo puts up a hand for them to stay back. Dax arrives a second later and now everyone looks at the Teenager as he pants heavily from the chase... and we get our first good look at his face -- he is clearly a Jem'Hadar, but not a fully mature one. The Teenager looks up at Odo with a mixture of dread and reverence... Odo is surprised at the reaction and stares back at him. Dax looks at the Teenager's face and then hits her combadge. DAX (to com) Dax to Sisko. SISKO'S COM VOICE Go ahead. DAX I think we've solved the mystery of our young visitor, Benjamin... he's a Jem'Hadar. Off the image of this young Jem'Hadar looking up at Odo. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO