168:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Abandoned" - REV. 09/01/94 - ACT TWO 21. 14 CONTINUED: (3) O'Brien returns to work. CUT TO: 15 INT. CORRIDOR KIRA walks down the Corridor, carrying a large HOUSEPLANT. She stops in front of a door and rings the doorbell. After a beat, the doors OPEN, revealing Odo. Kira smiles at him, but he makes no move to get out of the way or invite her inside. ODO Major. KIRA Odo. (RE: PLANT) For you. odo Ah. Let me guess... decoration for my new quarters. KIRA Just a little something to brighten the room up. He looks at the plant with polite appreciation, but still doesn't move to take it or let her inside. ODO That was very... thoughtful. KIRA You're welcome. Kira keeps glancing over his shoulder... trying to give him the hint that she wants to go inside. After a beat, Odo gets it, but it makes him uncomfortable. ODO I... suppose you'd like to see my quarters. KIRA (a little exasperated) Everyone wants to see your quarters. It's called curiosity.