DEEP SPACE: "The Abandoned" - REV. 08/31/94 - ACT ONE 10. 4 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko moves over to the table where the Nurse is taking care of the infant. Sisko moves the blanket aside to peer at the tiny alien. SISKO (to baby) Hi there... 5 ON INFANT The BABY'S skin coloration is unusual and tells that he's definitely alien. 6 RESUME SCENE Sisko looks at the child for a moment... his features soften at the sight... and he can't help but smile slightly. DAX We should contact one of the orphanages on Bajor and let them know we might have someone for them. Sisko doesn't respond right away and Dax and Bashir both look at him for a moment. After a beat, Sisko realizes she was talking to him. SISKO Hmmm? DAX I was talking about an orphanage... SISKO Oh. Right. (to Bashir) Have Major Kira make the appropriate arrangements. (looks down at child) And keep me informed about... him.