DEEP SPACE: "The Abandoned" - REV. 08/31/94 - TEASER 6. 1 CONTINUED: (4) At this moment, the beautiful BOSLIC CAPTAIN, (last seen in "The Homecoming") walks by their table and we FOLLOW HER as she heads for the bar and takes a seat next to Quark, who is working on a PADD. Quark looks up at her in surprise as she gives him a seductive smile. QUARK This is a surprise. BOSLIC A pleasant one, I hope. QUARK (suggestive) So do I... BOSLIC I have some... salvage for you, Quark. Quark glances back over his shoulder. QUARK This isn't the best day to be selling your kind of... "salvage." BOSLIC Oh, it's perfectly legal... and it's really salvage this time. QUARK I'm not looking for junk right now... (puts hand on her leg) I'm more in the market for... entertainment. BOSLIC I think you'll like this junk, Quark. It's the wreckage of a ship that crashed in the Gamma Quadrant. QUARK (surprised) You're still going to the Gamma Quadrant? (smiles) I love bold women. How much? BOSLIC Three bars of latinum and you get it all.