11:[5,#b],18:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Abandoned" - REV. 08/31/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Abandoned" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S The bar is jumping and the dabo table is particularly busy as an ALIEN HIGH ROLLER racks up win after win. QUARK is watching the game from behind the bar with a look of anxiety. The High Roller spins the dabo wheel and everyone watches the wheel go around. The dabo girl, a beautiful twenty-year-old Bajoran girl named MARDAH, takes this opportunity to look over at JAKE, who is seated at a nearby table watching her. Their eyes meet and we realize that the attraction between the two of them is very mutual. The High Roller (who's a little drunk) wins again and Mardah turns her attention back to the game. MARDAH Dabo! The crowd CHEERS, the High Roller collects his large winnings, and looks like he's going to leave the table. Quark gets a definite look of panic on his face, but Mardah moves in closer to the High Roller. MARDAH You're not leaving? HIGH ROLLER Well... MARDAH (seductive) Come on... aren't you feeling... lucky? The High Roller looks at her and just can't help himself. HIGH ROLLER All right... one more time. Let it ride. The High Roller holds up a large bar of latinum and looks at Mardah expectantly. Mardah moves closer and gives the bar of latinum a sensual kiss and gives him a seductive look. The High Roller looks her over appreciatively and then puts the bar down on the table.