DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 39-39A. 26 CONTINUED: (3) Quark jumps in. QUARK In this case, being cautious will cost you a substantial profit. The Ferengi will stop purchasing Tulaberry wine immediately. Ornithar looks concerned. SISKO If you lost such a valuable contract with the alpha quadrant, it might displease the Vorta. They might even send the Jem'Hadar here to find out what happened. He thinks for a long moment... and finally makes a decision. ORNITHAR (to Sisko) I will need to access one of our computers on the surface. Sisko indicates a console and Ornithar goes to it and works for a moment, then a STARCHART comes up on the main viewer. As Ornithar begins talking, Odo suddenly reacts to something he sees on the starchart... he seems transfixed by what he sees. Odo's strange look and behavior does not escape the notice of Quark, who peers at him curiously. Ornithar gets up and points to a specific star system on the chart. ORNITHAR (over above action) This is the Callinon System. The Dominion maintains an unmanned subspace relay on the seventh planet. We have been told by the Vorta to direct all communications there... where the messages are sent after that is not our concern. Sisko and Dax exchange a pleased look. DAX It's a start.