DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 33. 24 CONTINUED: (2) Odo sits with his back turned to Quark, who realizes that Odo is completely ignoring him. Quark tries to change the subject, hoping for some conversation... any conversation. QUARK (continuing) So... what's your role on this little adventure? Providing security no doubt? (no response) Well, of course you are. I mean why else would you be here? I can tell you I feel much safer now, just knowing that you're along, because I know you can be trusted to -- Odo finally cuts him off... and his tone and look are much harsher and meaner than we've ever heard him address Quark in the past. ODO I've held this shape for sixteen hours... I have to revert back to my liquid state, but I don't want you to watch and... gawk at me... QUARK I completely understand. This is a very private moment and I won't interfere. (turns around) This won't be so bad... sharing quarters, that is... we might even find that we -- ODO (harsh) I have no interest in speaking to you, or in listening to your witless prattle. So stay out of my way, or you'll regret the day you ever met me. A chill runs up Quark's spine and he reacts as if someone just slapped him across the face. Quark falls silent and Odo MORPHS into his pail.