DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT TWO 25. 12 CONTINUED: QUARK (quickly) Actually, my brother Rom did most of the talking. I think he would be better suited for this mission. SISKO Not Rom -- you. QUARK But why? Rom only has a child to think about, I have a business! SISKO You. Quark stands and moves for the door. QUARK I'm sorry, Commander but I must refuse. My last experience with the Jem'Hadar was not a pleasant one and I don't intend to repeat it. Now there's no way you can legally force me to -- Quark is suddenly startled by the SOUND of a cane being slammed down on a desk. Quark turns and is surprised to see Sisko holding the ornate cane of the Grand Nagus in his hand. QUARK (shocked) The scepter of the Grand Nagus. SISKO I had a chance to discuss this mission with him on my way back from Earth. He seemed to agree with me that unless peaceful contact can be established with the Founders, business opportunities in the Gamma Quadrant might suddenly dry up. (beat) He also agreed that you were the perfect man to help me. QUARK I don't believe it.