DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT ONE 18. 10 CONTINUED: SISKO So is it good to be home? JAKE Yeah... I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again. Sisko suddenly stops what he's doing and pauses... a look of surprise on his face. SISKO (quiet) I wonder when that happened? JAKE What? Sisko sits down and looks around the room in wonder and shock. SISKO (amazed) When did I start thinking of this... Cardassian monstrosity as... home? JAKE (smiles, then "thinks") I think it happened... last Thursday... around seventeen hundred hours. Sisko gives him a puzzled look, then Jake smiles and goes to the large crate and opens it. JAKE (continuing) When you took all this stuff out of storage back on Earth. Jake reaches in and takes out an intricately carved African mask. Sisko jumps up and moves quickly to Jake. SISKO Careful. That's a two-thousand-year- old Yoruba mask... and that "stuff" is one of the finest collections of ancient African art you'll ever see...