12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 70 OMITTED 71 INT. QUARK'S (CONTINUOUS) It's early in the day. QUARK isn't quite ready to open. He's with a Dabo Girl counting strips of latinum into her hand, one at a time. QUARK Eight... nine... ten. Quark looks up at her like he's done. The Dabo Girl just stares at him expectantly with her hand still out. QUARK (continuing) Okay... okay... eleven. (she's still waiting) Fine... Twelve, thirteen, fourteen. And not a strip more. The Dabo Girl gives Quark a kiss on the head, then leaves with her money. She passes by Kira and Odo, who have just entered. Odo looks at the girl, then looks back at Quark, somewhat accusingly.