72:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - ACT THREE 38. 31 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT (cont'd) You will then follow us back to Deep Space Nine, where your cargo will be confiscated and you will make a full confession detailing everything you know about the smuggling of weapons into the Demilitarized Zone. You will then sign that confession, after which you and your ship will be allowed on your way. Is that clear. XEPOLITE (shocked) I don't understand... you're a Cardassian. DUKAT I'm not just any Cardassian. I'm Gul Dukat, Commander of the Second Order. You have fifteen seconds to lower your shields or we'll destroy your ship. The Xepolite looks panicky. XEPOLITE No... wait. DUKAT Ten seconds. XEPOLITE It's not that simple. DUKAT Seven seconds. XEPOLITE I've already been paid. DUKAT Four seconds. XEPOLITE Stop counting... stop counting. O'BRIEN He's lowering his shields.