111:[1,#b],215:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FIVE 58. Kang nods weakly, closes his eyes at peace and at rest. Dax gently puts the hand down, lowers her head in a silent moment, controlling great sorrow... Kor moves to look down at the dead Albino, begins to CHANT a sacred Klingon funereal dirge... KOR (chanting, repeat as needed) Ki-naH-naH, lo-maytoo; Ki-nah-nah, lo-maytaH; ko-no-ma... Ko-no-mayy... And as he puts his hand on the knife from his BELT (but doesn't draw it), staring down at the chest of the Albino... 99 EXT. FOREST AND COMPOUND -- DAY ... his voice ECHOES across the expanse before us... KOR (O.S.) Ko-no-ma... Ko-no... MAAAY... 100 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-Establishing. 101 INT. OPS Kira, Sisko and N.D. Supernumeraries at their work. The Turbolift arrives bearing Dax... back in uniform. Cleaned up. She solemnly, clearly affected by what she's participated in, walks to her station -- resumes her own work. She exchanges a look with Sisko. Sisko looks at her with hard disapproval, doesn't want to know. He simply walks into his office. 102 ON KIRA She looks over at Dax a long beat. Dax doesn't look at her. 103 FULL SHOT Kira and Dax and everyone else working away as usual. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END