DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/27/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 79 CONTINUED: Kor's bat'leth arcing down through the air; The 2nd guard's face contorting with pain; Koloth's ever-cool face moving to the side, avoiding the thrust of a blade which passes his ear. The 3rd guard reeling backward, on his way down BELOW FRAME; Dax reversing the blades of her bat'leth to parry a thrust from... A 4th guard who's giving it all he's got, but can't put her away... she feints, he stumbles... she nails him in the jaw with a Trill karate forearm move and he goes down... another guard engages her immediately... (and please note, Dax goes out of her way not to kill anyone, but to defend her comrades, protect herself and disable the adversaries... ) 80 FAVORING KOLOTH An extraordinary display of defensive skill... as he fights off and puts away one... two... three guards in quick succession... but then a fourth gets him from a three-quarter rear angle in his flank... he goes down, badly wounded.. 81 ANGLE - KOR sees Koloth go down to one knee in pain... his adversary raising his arm in a death blow... KOR Koloth! He kicks the guard he's fighting in the stomach, shoving him into a collision with the guard who was about to kill Koloth... the two of them turn at Kor and charge back at him... and he smiles... KOR That's right. Gang up on the fat old man... And he's back at Klach D'Kel Brakt again... he's twenty again... and with his lightning quick bat'leth he fights, the two younger guards retreat under the assault -- back, back, back... an incredible flurry of moves until they fall over backward in unison over a table, hitting their heads on the floor... Kor quickly moves to check on Koloth...