148:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT FIVE 49. 61 CONTINUED: Revealing her as he reacts confused... DAX I seem to be lost. Which way to the tennis courts? And hey, she's an attractive young woman, how's he supposed to know, and it only takes that moment of hesitation for Dax to do a quick Trill karate move with her elbow to his neck and he folds to the ground... 62 EXT. COMPOUND & OUTBUILDING (FROM OUTSIDE WALL) 63 DAY MATTE (OPTICAL) HOLD... Long Beat... Then suddenly the (largely o.s.) armory building blows sky high. ON UPPER BALCONY The doors burst open from within -- and through the smoke, we see the ALBINO -- an all-white humanoid in good physical shape for a man of a hundred -- come rushing onto the balcony... people are yelling, scurrying about, confusion reigns... he is stunned -- and angry. 64 EXT. COMPOUND - DAY Dax races across the clearing from the explosion site toward the (o.s.) compound building. 65 ANGLE - SEVERAL GUARDS appear on the walls behind her... they raise their phaser rifles to fire at her... but the weapons don't work... they adjust them, try again... nothing... on their confusion... 66 DAX makes good her escape... 67 INT. COMMAND POST - DAY (VPB) Massive iron-like main doors, a bank of security monitors with graphic displays we don't have to see. An archway leads in from an o.s. corridor.