21:[1,#b],134:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 02/08/94 - ACT FOUR 40-40A. 52 CONTINUED: KOLOTH She may be right. DAX We have to assume the guards patrol the perimeter... but at seventy-five meters apart, they'd be out of eye contact with each other... KOR He wouldn't be that stupid. We should expect them to be no farther than fifty meters apart. KANG (impatient) Fine. It makes no difference... DAX Doesn't it? If we accept that he has adequate defenses, with a minimum of fifty guards, then we ought to use a N'yengoren strategy. KANG No! Kang rises, raging... pacing... inspiring. KANG I will not sneak into his bedroom and murder him like a kah'plakt. I want him to see us coming for him. He moves back to the display... KANG I say we attack here... a bold assault right at the main threshold. The guards will be too scattered to respond in time. We will overwhelm the defenders and fight on to a glorious victory. Koloth rises, committed. KOLOTH Or to a glorious death.