DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - REV. 01/26/94 - ACT THREE 33. 45 CONTINUED: (2) DAX And he understood what he was doing when he took a Klingon blood oath. Kang frowns, looks away. DAX You can't expect me to stay here and not avenge my own godson's murder. You can't ask me to live with that dishonor. KANG I cannot dishonor myself by permitting you to die in Curzon's place. DAX Who's talking about dying. I have no intention of dying. Without realizing it, Dax has moved too close to the truth... Kang stands, moves away from the table, stands overlooking the Promenade... Dax rises, speaks to his back.. DAX You dishonor yourself already, Kang... by placing your own honor above mine. No Klingon warrior would leave a comrade behind while he goes off to battle. Perhaps you're right. Klingon honor isn't what it used to be. He turns, furious. KANG You wish to anger me again! You think the old trick will work twice?! DAX (evenly) I understand Klingons. KANG (even more angrily) Fine then! Let it work! Come and fight with us. Come and be damned.