37:[1,#b],95:[1,#b],118:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 30. 42 CONTINUED: KOLOTH Stand up. Dax rises. KOLOTH (to Dax) Your presence against the Albino will honor our cause. Dax nods with honor. KOR (happily) Now that's a surprise from the great stone face. KANG (to Dax) Releasing you from Curzon's oath was not enough; I can see that now. KOR (expansively happy) It is agreed then! KANG No. As all eyes turn toward leader Kang: 43 ON KANG - CLOSE There is a hard finality in his expression. KANG (beat; to Dax) I tell you now that you will not be a part of this quest. HOLD on Kang's uncompromisingly hard face, until we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO