DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 29. 37 KANG ... his scrutiny of the duel intense, sees that she's bending but not breaking. He's testing her heart and resolve with his eyes, even as Koloth is overmatching her with the blades. 38 E.C.U. - KOLOTH'S FACE Has the upper hand, of course -- but now sweating to maintain it. 39 RESUME - FULL SHOT Suddenly, Dax finds one chance, one fleeting opening in his attack, and reverses her footing -- driving forward on the attack... KOR There's tension on your face, Koloth. You ought to drink more. Koloth finally stifles her attack, and... perhaps annoyed by Kor's remark; perhaps being "embarrassed" enough to become over-adrenalized, Koloth executes a "windmill" attack, the defense against which puts Dax off balance. As quickly as with every other move of the duel, Dax goes flat on her butt. 40 CLOSE - KOLOTH Weapon raised for the final death blow; face contorted by the blood-rush of deadly combat; it appears for a fraction of a second that his very momentum itself will carry him through to that final, actual, death blow. 41 DAX Breathless as she sits there, waiting to die or not to die at his hands. But still unflinching and bold-eyed. 42 RESUME - FULL SHOT Koloth stops himself -- lowers his bat'leth. Both of them badly out of breath: