75:[7,#b],83:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 28. 31 SERIES OF SHOTS - THE BAT'LETH DUEL They feel each other out with a quick series of tentative lower blade thrusts and parries. Then the switch to a sudden upper blade sweep by Koloth, parried with an equally speedy upper blade parry by Dax. Another lower Koloth thrust; a switch by Dax fast enough to execute her lower blade parry... Physically more powerful, Koloth will begin to drive Dax backward -- to continuing defensive postures... 32 E.C.U. - DAX'S FACE Intense concentration -- being forced into almost constant defense... DAX Come now, Koloth... surely you can take me down... 33 E.C.U. - KOLOTH'S FACE Implacable; unflappable -- but having to work a lot harder than he'd anticipated -- and for a longer time as well... He's in total command, but can't put her away. 34 RESUME - SERIES OF SHOTS as the battle continues. We now hear (somewhere beyond our view in the fog) the holosuite (o.s.) door close. And OVER the clanging of the bat'leths, we may hear the (o.s.) footsteps of... 35 KANG & KOR They become discernable through the fog as they get closer to the action... and stand watching it. 36 FULL SHOT Now with an audience, the one-sided duel goes on with ferocity. Koloth still can't put her away -- and it's evident to the observers.