DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - ACT TWO 26. 27 DAX & KOLOTH She comes from BEHIND CAMERA, which will now be looking OVER HER SHOULDER, at Koloth. He gives no hint of knowing she's present. Yet, suddenly, he executes a quick simultaneous change in direction of both feet and his overhead chopping lunge with the blade. It sweeps around to speed downward toward Dax's head -- stopping abruptly only a couple inches from her skull. She doesn't even flinch. 28 ANOTHER ANGLE They stand for a moment as they were: He facing her with blade two inches from her head -- she, totally unafraid and unflinching, still just standing there looking him straight in the eye. DAX (finally) Nice of you to stop. (off his silence) I'm going with you. Koloth lowers his blade -- moves out of attack position. KOLOTH Curzon Dax was a politician. It was a diplomatic ploy to bond himself to us in a blood oath. DAX (calmly) That's a lie. She's again just risked getting her head chopped off. For just an instant, and almost reflexively, Koloth tenses for the kill. But again, her calmness -- and her facial expression that tells him she's speaking the truth -- cause that charged instant to pass. But he's still not thrilled with being called a liar. KOLOTH (deadly) I am practicing here. Leave while you can. DAX When you agree that I can fulfill my part of the oath.