33:[1,#b],158:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 11. 15 CONTINUED: (2) KOLOTH This is a mistake. Kang must not have known. KOR (flirting) But what a beautiful mistake. DAX Then Kang is coming? KOR Of course, he's coming. He's brought the four of us back together after eighty-one years... DAX Could it possibly mean that he's... KANG (O.S.) Yes. That is exactly what it means. At the sound of the (o.s.) voice, everyone turns... and even the coolly distant Koloth rises instantly, in automatic respect. 16 FAVORING KANG as he reaches them from the Promenade in b.g.. Despite his advanced years, Kang's pride and prowess are evident in his bearing. But he doesn't boast the usual Klingon swagger. If he has lost anything with the passage of the years, it is pomposity. He is a leader -- albeit a melancholy one. KANG I have found the Albino. HOLD on his somber face, until we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER