81:[1,#b],107:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Blood Oath" - 01/25/94 - TEASER 8. 11 CONTINUED: KOR (singing) B'aski't Kor, B'askr'ip Kor, KoHman-a-ti, B'aski't Kor. She looks at him with a certain affection mixed with the look that seeing someone who has gotten very old brings... plus in the back of her mind is a concern for why he's here. DAX Hello, Kor. KOR I'm thirsty. DAX Let him out. ODO Lieutenant... DAX I'll take responsibility. Beat -- Odo DEACTIVATES the forcefield. KOR I am very thirsty. DAX Kor, do you remember Curzon Dax? KOR Curzon? My dear friend Curzon? I lift my ghoptu to Curzon Dax! DAX And I, who was Curzon Dax lift my ghoptu to you. (off his look of disbelief) Scorcher burn on your fourteenth rib, and your left QiVon aches every time your ship hits warp eight. Kor not only recalls, but will work himself into beaming, expansive joy, during: KOR Dax! My Curzon! After eighty-one years I find you a Kyamo-looking woman. Kiss me!