DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 38 CONTINUED: And with that, he hits the panel for the airlock and the doors open, revealing... 39 GARAK Who stands holding a Cardassian phaser. GARAK What's the rush? For a beat everyone's stunned, then Rekelen looks to Quark. REKELEN You've betrayed us. QUARK No. Quark reaches for Natima's phaser, which he's still carrying. Garak instantly levels his phaser at Quark. GARAK Don't. I'd hate to ruin such a nice suit. QUARK Why are you doing this? GARAK Exile tends to wear thin after a while, even when the surroundings are as pleasant as these. QUARK (re: Rekelen and Hogue) Fine. Take them, but leave Natima alone. NATIMA (outraged) Quark. HOGUE (to Natima) No. He's right. We're the fugitives, not you. QUARK You see, they agree with me.