DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - REV. 01/24/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 36 CONTINUED: NATIMA (to Odo) Thank you. ODO Good luck. Quark ushers Natima, Rekelen and Hogue out, leaving Odo looking after them. 37 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Quark and Natima, Rekelen and Hogue come pounding up the corridor. Quark hits a panel. A door opens, and they enter... 38 INT. CARGO BAY SEVEN Quark hits another panel and the door shuts behind them. Quark leads them toward an airlock. QUARK I've installed the cloaking device in your central engine core. You can activate it from the bridge as soon as the mooring clamps are released. Then I suggest you take your ship to warp eight and don't look back. Rekelen nods in agreement. QUARK (continuing, to all of them) Now please, make your good-byes brief.