115:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT TWO 28. 23 CONTINUED: SISKO On screen. Kira punches buttons and here it comes, banking in hard. O'Brien hurries to his station. SISKO (continuing) Dax, hail them. DAX (tries, then:) No response. KIRA The ship's taking up an attack posture. DAX They're still ignoring us. O'BRIEN They're powering up their forward disrupters. SISKO Shields! KIRA Shields up. SISKO (to Kira) Lock on phasers and photon torpedoes... Prepare to return fire if necessary. Garak ENTERS during this, immediately drawing everyone's attention. GARAK Commander? (off reactions) We need to talk. What the hell is Garak doing in Ops? We hold on Sisko's curious reaction, then: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO