DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Natima sees that Hogue is pretty scared. NATIMA Don't worry, Hogue. I have no intention of letting you become martyrs. I'll get you out of this somehow. (venting her own frustration) If we could only get to Sadera Six and join up with the others... She's cut short by a BEEP, and: COM VOICE (Quark's voice, disguised) Lieutenant Smith to Professor Lang. Commander Sisko is on his way to your quarters. He'd like to speak to you in private. NATIMA (to comm) Thank you. I'll be waiting. (to her students) Why don't you two go see if Chief O'Brien's made any progress with our ship? Rekelen nods, grateful for something to do, and she and Hogue EXIT. 20 NEW ANGLE As Natima consults her PADD to prepare for her meeting with Sisko. The door CHIMES. NATIMA Enter. 21 ANGLE ON THE DOOR To reveal Quark NATIMA Quark. I can't talk now. I'm expecting Commander Sisko.