DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT ONE 11. 12 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Quark returns with the drink. He sets it down gingerly in front of Natima. HOGUE What about our drinks? QUARK (dismissive) If you want a drink, the bar's right over there. Hogue and Rekelen look angry, but Natima nods, dismissing them. They head for the bar, leaving Quark and Natima alone. QUARK (indicating the drink) Your Samarian Sunset. Quark reaches over and gently PINGS the glass with his finger. The clear liquid suddenly erupts with a bright orange color. NATIMA (there's no force behind her anger) I said I didn't drink these anymore. QUARK Because they remind you of me. But since I'm here anyway, you may as well enjoy yourself. Besides, it's on the house. She picks up the drink and holds it up to the light. QUARK (continuing) You know, you're as beautiful as ever. Natima sets the drink back down. NATIMA And you're as big a liar as ever. QUARK (exuberant) You see... just like old times. (a beat) I've missed you, Natima. And that's no lie.