DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: REKELEN Professor Lang isn't simply a teacher. She's our inspiration. QUARK Really? I'd love to sit in on one of your classes. What do you teach? HOGUE Political Ethics. REKELEN (with fervor) Her teachings will change the future of Cardassia. NATIMA That's enough, Rekelen. QUARK Not at all. I want to hear more. Taking Rekelen and Hogue by the arms, he leads them back toward his bar. QUARK I always knew that Natima was destined for greatness. NATIMA (exasperated) Quark... QUARK Just one drink. It'll be like old times. NATIMA It'll never be like old times. QUARK You're right. (to himself) It'll be better. Quark leads Rekelen and Hogue into the bar and Natima has no choice but to follow.