DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - REV. 01/24/94 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: NATIMA We'd like to be on our way as soon as possible. We know having Cardassians on a Bajoran station may cause trouble. That's the last thing we want. SISKO If anyone can fix your ship, it's Mister O'Brien. In the meantime, you're welcome to stay here. If you stick to the Promenade, I'm sure there won't be any trouble. 5 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL GARAK and BASHIR sit at a table, in mid-conversation. BASHIR Are you saying you agree with General Yiri's decision to execute his brother? Garak rolls his eyes. He senses an argument coming. GARAK Of course I agree. Yiri's brother was a traitor to the Trelonian government.