DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 80 CLOSER ON O'BRIEN Withdrawing a tricorder, he scans for life signs... proceeds cautiously with heightened senses... 81 AT THE END OF THE CORRIDOR he reaches a door... the tricorder tells him there are humans inside... he takes a breath, hits the door panel... it opens, he rolls in, gun drawn... 82 INT. CHAMBER A rough, rebel meeting room with a door to an adjoining room. Sisko and Kira are meeting with a rebel Paradan leader, COUTU... there is an armed Bodyguard who reacts too late to stop O'Brien... they all turn at O'Brien's dramatic entrance... O'BRIEN Having a little unscheduled negotiation with the rebels, are we? SISKO You don't understand... put down your weapons and we'll explain... O'BRIEN I've got a better idea... you put down yours first. Do it. Sisko nods to Kira and they drop their phasers... the armed guard hesitates... O'BRIEN You too. The guard drops his holstered weapon. COUTU Everything you need to understand is behind this door. O'BRIEN Sure. Like a squadron of rebels, maybe? The rebel leader moves slowly toward the door... COUTU No. If you'd just permit me...