10:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 52 INT. CORRIDOR Nearly continuous action from when O'Brien fled the Promenade. This is a frantic, sweating, hunted Miles O'Brien, finger tight on the trigger of the phaser in his hand -- his mind racing on overtime. Pausing at a corner, he hits his combadge... O'BRIEN Computer, lock on to my combadge, initiate emergency transport to runabout Rio Grande... COMPUTER VOICE Unable to complete request. Please contact station commander for assistance. He curses to himself, rips off his combadge, pitches it one way... then runs in the other direction... 53 NEW CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as O'Brien comes around the bend he sees a forcefield activate in front of him... he reacts, retreats to -- 54 AN ENGINEERING WALL PANEL featuring a monitor. His fingers work speedily, jabbing panels... 55 ANGLE - INCLUDE MONITOR (VPB) We see a graphic display of DS9 emphasizing the route to the runabout docks... forcefields blink in several locations... O'BRIEN Making it tough for me, huh... fine... you want forcefields, I'll give you forcefields... He presses panels feverishly... and...